Many Real Estate Negotiator (REN) have attended our Courses and Given High Regards for our Classes and Presentations.
Date : 2days
Time : 9.30am - 5.30pm
Venue: 69-G, Bangunan Premier, Jalan Kampung Pandan, 55100 KL (Building next to BSN Bank, Kampung Pandan)
Call us : 019-382 3789 / 03 -9221 7789

Akademi Usahawan Progresif Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Akademi AUPM) is a specialized educations and training programs provider approved by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP), under the purview of the Ministry of Finance.

We provide Real Estate Negotiator's Certification Course (NCC), which all Real Estate Negotiators (REN) are required to attend by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia to be registered REN and acquire their individual REN Tag.
我们提供房地產登記課程(NCC), 一个由马来西亚估值师,估价师和地产代理委员会监管并且所有房地產經紀(REN)都必须参加注的课程。完成后参加者就能获得他们的个人REN标签。